Common POS cash drawer problems and their Solutions

Regardless of what kind of a store you have and what kind of a POS software you operate (we've seen this occur with anything from retail software to buffet software), you most likely use a cash drawer and it is one of the heaviest and most often used computer peripheral of your POS system. Here are some commonly occurring issues with the cash drawer, that we have gathered throughout our years of providing technical support on everything from our shoe store software, to our cell phone store software, to our flower shop software and many more. We'll also offer advice on how to fix these issues in this article and hope you'll find it useful. Drawer won't open Check all the cables and make sure that the drawer is connected properly and is receiving power and the opening signal from your POS Software. Make sure that the cash drawer's manual lock is not left in a locked position. Also make sure the cable you're using to connect the drawer to the POS system is compatible [...]